Urkraften Sean Rowe från Troy, New York kommer för 4 spelningar i Sverige och Norge 9-12 dec!
Sean har med fem starka album och ett ändlöst turnerade jobbat sig till en stor och mycket lojal fanskara. Med låten ”To Leave Something Behind” i Ben Afflecks film The Accountant 2016 fick han ett större genombrott och spelade helt plötsligt på större venues både hemma i Amerika och i Europa. Det ska bli väldigt en stor ära att välkomna Sean tillbaka till Skandinavien med ett färskt sjätte album i bagaget.
Though he grew up in the generally frozen landscape of Troy, New York, Sean
Rowe spent many of his formative summers in DeLand, Florida — a small town
between Orlando and Daytona Beach — where his father was a residential
caretaker at a home for troubled youths. It was there, in a mercifully
air-conditioned, mostly unused building filled with donated musical
instruments, that Sean taught himself to play drums and then bass. For those
who have wondered where his distinctly low and percussive approach to guitar
playing comes from, I believe you now have your answer.
During those same years, when he wasn’t listening to heavy metal or building
his early musical chops, Sean was in the woods exploring, foraging, and
obsessively learning all that he could about the natural world around him.
Since then, his fascination with the subject has only grown and through his new
web-series, Can I Eat This?, he’s found a means of indulging two of his great
passions: music and nature. In each of the forthcoming episodes of Can I Eat
This?, Sean will guide a fellow musician on a foraging mission for all manner
of wild foods. The two will use their harvest to prepare some tasty creation
and end their adventure by performing a cover song together. Look for new
episodes this summer!
This year started with a successfully-funded Kickstarter campaign to support
the production of Sean’s new full-length album. For this record, he teamed up
with longtime producer and friend Troy Pohl, who helmed production on the
albums Magic, Madman, Her Songs, and various other EPs. The two traveled to Eau
Claire, Wisconsin to team up with producer and multi-instrumentalist Shane
Leonard and engineer Brian Joseph at Joseph’s famed Hive Studio. All involved
have described the experience as something quite remarkable and Sean is eager
to release the finished work later this year.
Over the course of his career, Sean Rowe has recorded five full-length albums
and several EPs. His music has been used widely throughout film and television,
with notable examples including NBC’s hit dramas The Blacklist and Parenthood.
Rowe’s song ”To Leave Something Behind” was the only non-score track
to be featured in Ben Affleck’s hit 2016 feature film, The Accountant and has
since received nearly 4.5 million streams on Spotify alone. He tours nearly
nonstop and later this year, he’ll return to Europe for two weeks with stops in
the U.K., Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and Germany.
”Det är en inkarnation av amerikansk musiktradition från blues till soul, tolkad av en lika galen som balanserad baryton.”
Av Gaffa
Support är australiensiska Steph Grace, som i våras gjorde succé när hon turnerade med Rod Melancon!